Thursday, September 12, 2019

Jean-Marie Vivier - What I do not tell you

Original Title: C'que j'te dis pas
Year: 1991
If I were to tell you what I do not tell you
And that I've never been able to tell
I, so shy and clumsy
Aside from when I'm in my frenzy

If I told you: you are like a sky
letting all its sorrow cry
Way more precious than a rainbow
As it comes to die in my hand

If I told you: you are a star
For a Pierrot who plays so badly
And who never reveals himself
Or dirties himself sideways

If I dared to tell you what I do not tell you
Houses full of dreams
and of tendernesses at every finger
Where I learn my keys again

If I dared to say that you are an island
Where we board everytime
We have the heart way too fragile
And like it, you are always there

If I dared to say that you are the port of call
Where I lay my sad mornings
On the pathway you are my lantern
To keep the artist's life going

Tonight I tell you what I do not tell you
You are like a bedhead book
Which we rediscover every time
And which never ends

You are a hundred thousand days per second
And all the seconds of my life
One hundred thousands places merging together
To form a single country

You are Time runnning after the hours
To stop their steps
To tame happiness
Tonight I tell you what I do not tell you

I love you
I love you

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